Documentation Tsurugi Acquire

9 April 2021 (2021.1)
- Built all from scratch (now based on Debian)
- New 32bit Kernel 5.11.6
- Added Kernel PAE support (Physical Address Extension)
- Tuning of grub customization (MBR & UEFI)
- Improved "hidpi_zoom_tsurugi" compatibility with multiple displays
- Grub new custom theme/colors
- Added new firmwares
- Full firmwares update
- Minor bug fix
- Deleted default Caja file manager
- New customized file manager with integrated device unlocker
- Added mount points
- Added new bookmarks
- New customized theme
- Full system update
- Added new icons
- New aliases
- Decreased iso size
- File system cleaning
- Performance improvement
- New tool: axel
- New tool: colordiff
- New tool: cryptsetup
- New tool: curl
- New tool: dialog
- New tool: gnome-screenshot
- New tool: hardinfo
- New tool: htop
- New tool: ipcalc
- New tool: leafpad
- New tool: lynx
- New tool: mc
- New tool: mirage
- New tool: multitail
- New tool: PCmanfm
- New tool: rhash
- New tool: sshfs
- New tool: tcptraceroute
- New tool: traceroute
- New tool: vlc
- New tool: whois
- New tool: xarchiver
- New tool: teamviewer_launcher_tsurugi
- New tool: touchpad_toggle_tsurugi
- New tool: tsurugi_acquisition_wizard
- Added more bugs to fix later

9 December 2020 (special edition)
Special BLACKHAT EUROPE edition (released at BLACKHAT EUROPE during our arsenal presentation / Virtual Edition)

31 December 2019 (2019.1)
- New 32bit kernel 5.4.2 (with forensic patch)
- Full system upgrade
- New tool: ncdu
- New tool: aoetools
- New tool: vblade
- New tool: tableau-parm
- Added openssh server
- Added "Mouse keys switch" feature
- Added "RAM saturation workaround" feature
- Added "Show Local USB Devices logs" feature
- Added new icons
- Added new quick links on the desktop
- Update MATE environment
- Update guymager (0.8.11)
- Update libguytools2 (2.1.0)
- Update The Sleuth Kit (4.7.0)
- Update graphical device unlocker
- Update automatic zoom feature
- Update dd_buffersize_calculator
- Update pingtest
- Improved ntfs-3g mounting capabilities
- Created an ssh server initialization script
- Tuning wrtblk* scripts
- Tuning grub menus and added new boot features
- Update write blocking policy
- New graphical menu
- Changed default terminal colors
- Improved boot phase
- Deleted unuseful tools
- Disabled some default services
- Decreased memory consumption
- Fix minor bugs
- Global tuning

First public release - 3 November 2018 (2018.1)

“TSURUGI Linux - the sharpest weapon in your DFIR arsenal”